Welcome to Bright office in Romania

Hey, I’m Malin, Senior Delivery Director at Brightgrove. Here you can find some info about our bright place in Bucharest, Romania. 

Welcome to Bright office in Romania
Welcome to Bright office in Romania

benefits of local offices

power of locals

  • Local Delivery Director familiar with the market
  • Local recruiters
  • Cultural fit with candidates

High tech level

  • Trusted IT partner for 220 companies in Europe
  • 60% of senior people at Brightgrove
  • ~190,000 engineers on the market


  • Great time zone for clients from Europe, Saudi Arabia, Israel
  • Transparent contracts

Romania is a perfect place for nearshore software development. It has an almost 200k talent market with high tech level, especially with experience in JavaScript, Java, and Python custom software development. Our hub is located in the heart of the country, Bucharest, the second largest IT hub in the country. 

Meet the local leader

My role at Brightgrove is to lead and nurture a strong Romanian community to help our customers thrive in a market challenged by the pressures of digitization. We enable our customers to reimagine their businesses through a digital lens and help them reach their goals. Besides my undivided attention towards in-time delivery, I am keen to focus on the proactive side to solve issues before they arise and to provide the best in-class customer experience. 

local success stories

Eric Gordon
CEO at RealPlus
Dino Morales
VP at On-Line Residential


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