Welcome to Bright office in Ukraine

Hi there, I’m Yevgen, the COO of Brightgrove. I’m here to tell you about the location where Brightgrove came to life—Ukraine. Despite our international expansion, our offices here are ready to host your future team! Keep reading to learn more.  

Welcome to Bright office in Ukraine
Welcome to Bright office in Ukraine

benefits of local offices

power of locals

  • Offices in Kyiv, Lviv, and Kharkiv
  • Local Delivery, Recruitment, Sales teams
  • Cultural fit with candidates

High tech level

  • Trusted IT partner for 220 companies in Europe
  • 60% of senior people at Brightgrove
  • ~300,000 engineers on the market


  • Great time zone for clients from Europe, Saudi Arabia, Israel
  • Transparent contracts

Ukraine is one of the biggest IT development services markets in Europe, and the birthplace of Brightgrove. There’s a pool of 300k candidates, from highly specialized seniors to freshly graduated but dedicated juniors. With our big team and 3 offices in Ukraine, we’re ready to build a team for your project here.   

Meet the local leader

At Brightgrove, my mission is to foster and upkeep relations: both outside and inside our team. We help our clients build projects with a long-term perspective, and we help people who choose to join us to work on projects with purpose. I’m also in charge of Brightgrove’s volunteering activities.

local success stories

Eric Gordon
CEO at RealPlus
Dino Morales
VP at On-Line Residential


Bright location with a developed IT community and an office in Bucharest.
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Our youngest location in Europe with bright people and an office in Wroclaw.
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A European location we've been deeply familiar with for years.
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Dynamically evolving location with bright people and an office in Medellin.
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